Review en No 5 Aug 2024 Login
«I dreaded encountering what I already knew: that I was more likely than white women or non-Black women of color to deliver a child prematurely, more likely to die from childbirth, and more likely to have my pain ignored by the medical professionals tasked with keeping me safe.»
Essay en No 5 Aug 2024
«On Holy Saturday, the sun closes early, leaving a phantom of warmth for tourists and visitors. The gray light, on this doorway of a day, between death and living again, turns us into some species of ghost, wandering in pairs or groups of beloveds through the Sanssouci Park in Potsdam.»
Review en No 5 Aug 2024
Recent novels by Jennifer Croft and Kate Briggs amp up the role of the literary translator precisely in a the moment when the machines take over. Is this a last hurrah of a heroic yet notoriously invisible profession – or does it betray an ignorance of what translators are actually doing?
Memo +De No 4 Jun 2024 Login
German-Israeli reconciliation started as early as the 1950s under Adenauer and Ben-Gurion. They acted out of calculation, and not forgiveness or remorse. Germany’s reason of state today is based on a simple trade off: absolution for Germany; support and reconstruction aid for Israel.
Memo +De No 4 Jun 2024 Login
When Gaza student protestors were evicted from Berlin universities, the few scholars who stood up for them were smeared by the right-wing press and threatened with public funding cuts. Can universities be a place for radical politics? Adorno and Marcuse fell out over this question as early as 1969.
Essay No 5 Aug 2024
Links, antinational und pro Israel war die Formel der Antideutschen, die 1989/90 als linksradikale Subkultur entstanden. Manche von ihnen drifteten weit nach rechts, andere machten Karriere in Medien und Politik. Den deutschen Diskurs über Israel, Palästina und Antisemitismus prägen sie bis heute.
Memo No 5 Aug 2024 Free
Die Gesellschaft sei gespalten, heißt es. Binäre Denkmuster, wie sie dieser Diagnose zugrundeliegen, sind oft hilfreich und manchmal auch notwendig. Aber sie begrenzen den Blick auf die Realität. Besonders für den Liberalismus ist das ein Problem. Fotografien von Maxime Verret
Review No 4 Jun 2024
A generation of Europeans has come of age speaking English as a lingua franca or as a professional language. What does this do to national literatures? Three novels by Colin Barrett, Veronica Raimo and Leif Randt wield subtle strategies to subvert the Anglo-American linguistic dominance.
Essay +De No 3 May 2024
Berlin as a city of émigrés and expats is one of the many clichés local politicians like to invoke when it suits their agenda. But recent months have shown that some feelings of estrangement from the local culture cannot be undone – the exile’s perception of time and place remains a different one.
Essay en No 2 Apr 2024 Login
The novel has been pillaged for a long while now. After a decade of memoirs and essays, it seemed that literary imagination had died at the hands of autofiction. With recent books by Hernan Diaz, Benjamin Labatut and Catherine Lacey, the novel strikes back – and starts stealing from nonfiction.
Essay +De No 2 Apr 2024
Jan Assmann, the late scholar of memory studies and a masterful narrator, claimed that antisemitism originated in response to monotheistic violence. Though his argument was itself critiqued as antisemitic, it was not. Rather, Assmann saw Judaism as the core challenge of Western civilisation.
Memo +De No 1 Feb 2024
The only news I manage to read to the end is one published by an Israeli news outlet, dating back to October 4th, 2023. It reports on a snake that tried to swallow a hedgehog whole. The hedgehog pushes out its needles and gets stuck in the mouth of the snake. The snake dies, and the hedgehog dies.
Memo +De No 1 Feb 2024 Login
The war in Gaza has produced numbing levels of violence and massive Palestinian casualties. A profoundly unequal assessment of the worth of lives, built over decades of oppression, provides the genealogy of the extreme violence unfolding in Israel and Palestine since 7 October 2023.
Review +De No 2 Apr 2024
In Goodbye Julia, the first film from Sudan to run at Cannes, Mohamed Kordofani portrays the racist hierarchy from North to South as gripping drama of domestic life. The mundane set-up encapsulates a whole society’s political fate and reveals the skill of a filmmaker who never went to film school.
Review en No 2 Apr 2024
Kids these days flock to raves as if they were the latest incarnation of transcendence, but what about the political economy that squeezes profit out of every last pocket of subculture? McKenzie Wark and Hannah Baer on raving during a pandemic, late in life, and its ambivalent politics.
Essay +De No 1 Feb 2024 Login
On April 29, 1987, for the 20th anniversary of the Six-Day War, David Grossman, then a young 33-year-old author, published one of the most important works to have ever appeared in Israel on the Palestinian question: The Yellow Time. Six months later, the First Intifada broke out.
Essay +fr No 3 May 2024 Login
Das Schicksal der Hamas-Geiseln spaltet Israel. Netanyahu wird gedrängt, einen Befreiungsdeal zu schließen, doch gerade religiöse Zionisten lehnten dies monatelang ab. Die rabbinische Rechtsgeschichte zeigt, wie zentral die Geiselfrage für die jüdische und demokratische Identität des Landes ist.
Memo +De No 2 Apr 2024
Before 7 October, the military strategists Edward Luttwak and Eitan Shamir published a sugarcoated account of the Israel Defence Forces’ «innovative» practice and spirit. They gloss over what the IDF actually does, and how various doctrinal elements play out in the near total destruction of Gaza.
Memo +De No 1 Feb 2024
The post-war political order was based on a dialectics of the singular and the universal. «Never again», a slogan specifically owned by German and Israeli governments, contractualized it. Nowhere is the demise of the liberal order now more apparent than in Germany’s identity crisis after Oct 7.
Review en No 2 Apr 2024
Germany takes pride in its memory culture. But its often self-congratulatory remembrance rituals have many blind spots. One of them is the network of international solidarity that the GDR was part of. Echos of the Brother Countries, an exhibition at HKW Berlin, allows for a closer look.
Memo +De No 2 Apr 2024
The Dutch and other «small» book markets are in trouble because either people do not read at all, or they read in English. Who is going to withstand the forces of Americanization? A relentless, cheeky poetic scene in the Low Countries might not have the answer, but it asks the right questions.
Review en No 1 Feb 2024
Letters are not quite a thing of the past; as a literary device they’re perfectly alive to open some doors and keep others shut. In current works by Adam Thirlwell, Ridley Scott and Maïwenn, letters trigger different yet eerily similar gendered fantasies about who is entrusted to write them and why.
Memo +it No 2 Apr 2024
Secondo un noto aforisma, tedesco è colui che non può dire una bugia senza crederci egli stesso. Sandra Hüller ne ha fatto una forma d’arte: in La zona d’interesse e Anatomia di una caduta, i suoi personaggi sono così sinceri nel contraffare la realtà, che si finisce per credergli. Vero?
Essay +es Audio No 1 Feb 2024
En Argentina, todxs son expertxs involuntarixs de culturas inflacionarias. Así como nuestro autor que, en busca de una salida elegante, recorre un vasto terreno del Big Bang pasando por la pandemia hasta la Nueva Derecha y nos cuenta los trastornos y trances bajo la influencia de la inflación.
Essay +es No 4 Jun 2024
Mit Texas Chainsaw Massacre wurde die Kettensäge zum Kultobjekt, heute ist sie Futter für Memes. Argentiniens neuer Präsident Milei nutzte ihr Potenzial zwischen Lächerlichkeit und Effizienz und erklärte sie zum Logo seines blutrünstigen Plans: der staatlich organisierten Abschaffung des Staates.
Memo No 5 Aug 2024 Free
Die erste Printausgabe der Berlin Review ist erschienen. Mit neuen Texten und einer Auswahl der besten Essays, Reviews und Memos aus unseren ersten fünf Monaten. Im Editorial stellen wir unseren ersten Reader vor, schauen kurz zurück und gespannt nach vorne.
Berlin Review
Zeitschrift für Bücher und IdeenNº 5August 2024
Oliver Weber Leandros Fischer Aleksey Konakov Tobias Haberkorn  Samir Sellami Miriam Stoney Logan February Edna Bonhomme Leonie Hunter Maxi Wallenhorst Tobias Ertl Tobias Haberkorn  Maxime Verret Elad Lapidot Frederik Tidén